A month in.

I just wanted to let you know that I’m still working or the logistics of my video entries and what I really need to get going with them, where I’ll film them and what sort of equipment I’ll need if any. I have lots of devices with high resolution video capture, but I’m feeling I may need a microphone of some sort for decent audio.

Anyways, it’s been a month since I’ve been on the Spironolactone, and my first refill was picked up today.

The first thing I’m sure you’ll ask is, have you noticed any changes? Well the answer to that is a definite yes. Some emotional, some physical.

The first thing I noticed is probably the thing that worried me the most and that is that the parts I have currently aren’t functioning the same way they were before. There is a fair bit of shrinking, which is normal, I was just not prepared for how fast it was going to come. (This is a fairly sensitive topic because I hate what’s there so let’s leave it at that). As well, I’ve noticed a bit of my upper body strength is gone. Don’t me wrong, there is still a fair bit there, but I’ve noticed a change.

Emotionally, it’s been a whirlwind. I’ll go from happy to sad to angry in a matter of minutes. I’ve been using some of the techniques I learned from my psych to cope with the feelings I’m having because of the huge swing from one to another. I’ve noticed myself being more emotional on small things too. It’s like someone took my theoretical sensitivity dial and cranked it up. One of the other things I’m dealing with is something I’ve been dealing with for a few years, but now it’s worse, and that’s libido. I seem to have no drive at all now for intimacy, again these are both things I’ve been warned of.

Other than that, things are okay in life. I’ve found myself being a little more introverted in my personal time than I have been in the last few months, but I figure it’ll all work itself out as I adjust to the lack of hormones in my body. I have a good group of friends that understand that I’m a quiet one to begin with, but they will always be there when I need someone.

I’m going to end it there, just wanted you to know I’m still alive, and working on the video posts. Until next time my lovelies.
