I’m not okay

To anyone who can see this.. I’m not okay..

The conservatives have launched an all out attack on transgender women in the last week, with the federal conservative leader outright saying he wants to ban trans women and trans feminine individuals from “women’s spaces”. Quoting the dangers that trans women bring.

There have been zero cases of a trans woman hurting anyone in a public washroom, where there has been a list 3 miles long about CIS men who do attack women.

Does this world really want to kill trans women, forcing them into men’s spaces, exposing us to violence and rape?

I’m sick of this world as a whole, I want to fix it, but I can’t. I struggle in silence, I don’t talk to anyone about it, but my transition hasn’t been all roses and fun, it’s been hell. I’ve lost my career, my health, my relationships, my friends and my family. I’ve been told that I can’t get any surgeries, and when I see anyone bragging about theirs, or anything about being called a man, it honestly makes me want to hurt myself. I hurt so badly inside. I feel alone, I feel like there is nowhere safe for me anymore.

This world is trying to kill me, in one way or another. Just because I am me.

If anyone wants to reach out, feel free to do so, either here, or via my Facebook, I could really use some support right now.

Rachelle Kobelka-Danvera

This entry was posted on March 6, 2024. Bookmark the permalink.